For Corporate
Cash In Safe Insurance
Cash-in Safe Insurance is a type of insurance coverage that provides protection for cash and currency notes stored securely within a business's premises, usually in a safe or vault. This insurance is designed to safeguard businesses against financial losses in case of theft, robbery, or any other specified perils that may result in the loss of the cash kept on the premises.
Insured Business
- Government Business
- Business owned by Co-operative Society
- Private Business
Insured Period
The term of the policy will be from 1 day to 1 year.
Premium Rating
- 5% on sum insured for Government department and government organization.
- 2% on sum insured for private bank.
- 1% on sum insured for other private organizations and co-operative society.
Necessary Facts While Insuring
- Have to fill the Proposal Form.
- Have to submit Update bank statement and daily transaction record.
Necessary Facts to Claim
- Information letter to Young Insurance immediately.
- Recommendation letter by Police and authorized regional organization to recommend about burglary.
- Inspection by authorized person from Young Insurance.
- Daily transaction record before causing losses.
- Amount or value in the safe box before transit.
- Inspection Report by respective department.